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July 2024

2017 UKCoD Trustee Election

The UK Council on Deafness invites you to nominate yourself or a senior representative from your organisation for a position on its Board.

This year we have four vacancies.  Long standing trustees, Bencie Woll and Michael Quinlan are standing down after serving two terms and Gary Cottrell, who stood down last December.  Jason Barnett has completed his first term of three years, so is eligible for re-election should he wish to put his name forward once more.

Please consider whether you can nominate a senior representative from your own organisation to join our Board.  We need nominations to join our remaining Trustees, who are:

  • Craig Crowley, Chair UKCoD – Action Deafness
  • Mary Sorene – BIVR
  • Jeff McWhinney – SignVideo
  • Simon Pearse – Trustee NADP
  • Ralph Nattress – Retiree

It’s an exciting and active time to increase your involvement with the Council and the Board will oversee work over the next year that includes areas such as

  • A common purpose for the sector
  • Telecommunications/VRS
  • Public health campaign
  • APPG on Deafness
  • Access to Work update
  • Deaflympics GB recognition
  • BSL Inquiry

To make a nomination, please complete the 2017 Trustee Election – Nomination Form together with the name of the Member Organisation representative supporting this nomination, sent with brief biographical information (maximum 170 words) and return it via:

Ralph Nattress at


UK Council on Deafness, c/o Griffin Chapman, 4 & 5 The Cedars, Apex 12, Old Ipswich Road, Colchester, Essex CO7 7QR.

Nominations must be received by 5pm on Wednesday, 18th October 2017.

If more than four people are nominated a ballot will take place end of October and the result will be announced at our AGM on Thursday, 16 November 2017.

On behalf of the Board of Trustees:

Craig Crowley MBE

Chair, UK Council on Deafness