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July 2024

180 new GPs in the SignLive Community Directory

We are thrilled to announce that we have 3 new partnerships that cover 180 GP surgeries in the Sussex area. Brighton and Hove CCG, East Sussex CCG and West Sussex CCG are now live in the Community Directory. This means that deaf patients can now call their GP free of charge in these areas. For SignLive users logging in […]

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Clap for Key Workers – Deaf Awareness Week

“We want to say a special thanks to all the deaf key workers & those supporting the deaf community” This Deaf Awareness Week, the GB Deaf Tennis Team are leading our #ClapforOurKeyWorkers #ClapForOurCarers

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A message from Chair of UK Council on Deafness! You also have the opportunity to donate to UKCoD to enable us to carry on representing Deaf/hearing loss related organisations to do the important work they need to do! #DAW2020. Video Transcript: Heading: #DeafAwarenessWeek2020 – a message from Chair of UK Council on Deafness! “Greetings to […]

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Lipspeaker UK

Meet our Director, Lesley Weatherson. The ONLY qualified midwife and BSL Interpreter in the UK – possibly even in the world! #DAW2020 #DeafAwarenessWeek #InternationalDayOfTheMidwife #ThankYouMidwives #RemovingTheBarriers #Inclusive

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Fingerspelling is the British Sign Language (#BSL) alphabet.  It’s used to spell out words like names of people and places. Download the fingerspelling alphabet to practice spelling words and phrases with your hands. #DAW2020 #DeafAwarenessWeek

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Thanks to our sponsors of #DAW2020

Our second day of Deaf Awareness Week 2020, do continue to share your stories using #DAW2020! Sponsors:

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‘Professional Tips’ for lipspeakers working face-to-face through Covid-19.

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Red Earth Theatre Virtual Tour

Red Earth Theatre makes theatre for Deaf and hearing audiences and are on Virtual Tour at the moment bringing theatre related activities to our audiences online. We have some D/deaf specific events made by Deaf artists for Deaf family audiences. Information about this week’s events during #DAW2020 and ways to find out about all other […]

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Action Deafness Launches New Brochure for Equipment Services

– Action Digital Direct To order your copy of the brochure, please contact <

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Join us for Deaf Awareness Week

[intro]At SignHealth we are proud to be THE Deaf health charity[/intro] We hope you join us in celebrating Deafness, sharing communication best practice and getting involved in our work to improve Deaf people’s health and well-being. Follow our activities and share your own with – #DAW2020    #DeafAwarenessWeek

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