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Greater Manchester Police introduces new service for reporting crime in BSL
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5th May 2016 – Greater Manchester Police is launching a new service that enables people to use British Sign Language (BSL) to report a crime online.
Previously, people who use BSL in Greater Manchester would have needed to report a crime face to face with an officer and an interpreter present. Now, BSL users can use the SignVideo service as an instant video interpreter between themselves and GMP’s call handlers, enabling them to speak to the police wherever they are.
Accessing the SignVideo service through the GMP website on a laptop, smartphone or tablet, members of the public can simply click on a button to be connected to SignVideo. SignVideo will then phone through to GMP’s call handling team for the request to be processed.
Assistant Chief Constable at GMP, Garry Shewan, said: “The deaf community face many challenges every day when communicating and this new service enhances the ways in which people can access policing services.