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January 2025

A report by Sense and The Ear Foundation

Audiology services and hearing technologies: The experiences of deafblind individuals

Sense, the national deafblind charity, has launched a new report which recommends how Audiology services can best meet the needs of deafblind patients.

The estimated number of deafblind people in the UK in 2010 was around 250,000; 222,000 aged over 70 years and 33,000 aged 20-69.

It is likely that this population already use, or will need to use, audiology services and hearing technologies. Sense receives frequent enquiries from deafblind people and their families about hearing technology and audiological service provision; therefore commissioned this study to qualify the needs, experiences and expectations of deafblind people in order to shape solutions that provide the right support.

Sense has worked in collaboration with the Ear Foundation to produced an in-depth report offering insights such as:

“I totally rely on my hearing aids because I can’t lip read anymore because my visual acuity has gone. I  have no measurable field of vision left- I am so reliant on my hearing aids now, I don’t know what I would do without them!”

“My hearing aids- couldn’t manage without it- it’s the first thing I put on and the last thing I take off!”

“I have struggled cos I can’t lip read – I was beginning to become really isolated in that way- you have to concentrate so hard, you have to work so much harder than other people to receive information.”

“And they do listen to me, they don’t say this is how a hearing aid is, that’s it, wear it. They listen to my needs and adjust it accordingly. So understanding and listening to your needs is very important!”

“Rocket science subjected to peasant servicing”

Based on quantitative and qualitative findings, the report includes a list of recommendations for clinicians, commissioners and service users.

Download the full report and recommendations from the Sense website

Publication PDF:    audiology_services_hearing_technologies_report.pdf (2.84 MB)

For more information please contact:

Donna Corrigan at or 07557650513


Suzanne Harrigan at