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February 2025

A DeafHealth Champions Conference

Covering Issues with Accessibility to the Health Service for Deaf People

Wednesday, 11th March 2015 at the Manchester Conference Centre

Delegate Fee £95 (includes lunch and refreshments)
(£35 for students, unwaged & others)

BSL Interpreters and Speech to Text transcript will be provided

In Summer 2015 all health and social care organisations will be required to adhere to the Accessible Information Standard.

What does this mean for your organisation? 
The Standard is a new guidebook for health and social care organisations across England which is a set of rules which organisations must follow to ensure deaf people get appropriate communication support and information in the right format for them.

The Deaf Health Champions (DHC) project will be holding a full day conference at Manchester Conference Centre on Wednesday 11th March 2015 to highlight the health needs of Deaf people. The conference will focus on the ground-breaking work of the Deaf Health Champions in the North West, the results of SignHealth’s “Sick Of It” report and developments on the upcoming Accessible Information Standard.

DHC is a partnership of the UK Council on Deafness, SignHealth, Manchester Deaf Centre, Merseyside Society for Deaf People and Deaf Vision Cumbria. The project is to empowering deaf communities to take control of their own health, improve access to services and increase positive patient experiences.


This event is aimed at Commissioners, Community Engagement and Equality Leads working in Health and Social Care and health professionals with an interest in deafness. The event is also open to Deaf people and deaf organisations. The day will provide an opportunity to find out more about the impact continual inequality of access has on deaf health and the benefits of engaging deaf people meaningfully with health services. There will be presentations from keynote speakers, an opportunity for you to put forward questions to our panel and real life case studies of deaf volunteer experiences.

To book your place or an exhibition stand at the conference, please contact or complete the booking form below.  Please circulate to colleagues and other parties that you feel may be interested.

Booking Form (word doc)

Conference Briefing (pdf)

Programme (pdf)