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February 2025

European News


Many of you will hear good and bad things about European Union, especially with economic crisis in Greece and Eurozone problems. In the UK like in any other EU countries, you will get the anti-European rhetoric. But…..can we really ignore Europe? 75% of our laws are set now in EU. The European Disability Forum movement is strong and is important partner in gaining our rights recognized.

26 May 2012 have seen important development,  we witnessed a historical moment when the closer Co-operation Platform between major European organisations representing deaf , hard of hearing and deafblind sector was announced at lunch time at Scandic Hotel in Copenhagen during European Disability Forum Annual General Assembly.

I am very proud to say that I took part in last 2 years of negotiations and it is very important development. The remit of the Platform will be similar to UK Council of Deafness. Together, we hope to make stronger voice for all of us to improve accessibility in EU.  See the Press Note

The organisations involved are getting together to ensure that deaf/hard of hearing/ deafened and deafblind European citizens are included in ‘Freedom of Movement as well. Our rights to communication access on par with hearing citizens need to be recognised .We are already working together; EdbN supported EFHOH “State of subtitling in EU 2011” and translated it in Spanish.

EUD and EFHOH worked together on campaign for Written Declaration on accessible emergency services 112.

All this work relates to Freedom of Movement campaign.

  • Free Movement of persons; this means that you are free to travel to any country of the European Union. You also have the right to move, work, and study and live in any country of the European Union.
  • Free Movement of goods; this means that companies can sell their goods in any country of the European Union under the same terms.
  • Free Movement of services; this mean that you can sell and buy a service in any country of the European Union under the same terms.

“Freedom of Movement “reminds us all that not all things from Europe are bad.

Lidia Best/ Board Member
European Federation of Hard of Hearing People