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October 2015

Growing support for statement of common purpose

The number of signatories to the statement of common purpose on deafness and hearing loss has increased to 75.

The list now includes a local authority, Manchester City Council, and organisations from all parts of the UK.

The steering group that will oversee work to achieve the mission of the statement met for the first time on 30 September. One of its first tasks is to grow the list of signatories even further.

Steering group members have also begun to form the mission groups that will lead the work. The groups will work with others that are already active to avoid duplication, and will include people and organisations from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

If you want to be a signatory to the statement, please contact Dan Sumners, Senior Policy Adviser at Signature, via


  1. Access Bedford
  2. Action Deafness
  3. Action for Deafness
  4. Action on Hearing Loss
  5. appa
  6. All Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness, UK Parliament
  7. Association of Deaf Education Professionals and Trainees
  8. Association of Lipspeakers
  9. Association of Sign Language Interpreters
  10. Association of Teachers of Lipreading to Adults
  11. Association of Verbatim Speech to Text Reporters
  12. Auditory Verbal UK
  13. BID Services
  14. Brian Archbold
  15. British Association of Teachers of the Deaf
  16. British Deaf Association
  17. Cambridgeshire Hearing Help
  18. Chief Officers’ Group of Third Sector Deaf Organisations
  19. Clarion Interpreting
  20. Cochlear Implanted Children’s Support Group
  21. Connevans Limited
  22. Cross Party Group on Deafness, Scottish Parliament
  23. Cumbria DeafVision
  24. Deaf Direct
  25. Deaf Education through Listening and Talking
  26. Deaf Hub
  27. Deaf Umbrella
  28. Deafblind UK
  29. Deafconnect
  30. Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre, University College London
  31. Deafness Support Network
  32. deafPlus
  33. Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies, Heriot Watt University
  34. The Ear Foundation
  35. Exeter Royal Academy for Deaf Education
  36. Gloucestershire Deaf Association
  37. Gwen Carr
  38. HearFirst
  39. The Hearing Care Centre Ltd
  40. Hearing Link
  41. Hearing Loss and Deafness Alliance
  42. Hertfordshire Hearing Advisory Service
  43. Home Counties Cochlear Implant Group
  44. Jackie Baillie MSP
  45. Jane Cordell
  46. Jim Fitzpatrick MP
  47. Louise Tonks
  48. Manchester City Council
  49. Manchester Deaf Centre
  50. National Association of Deafened People
  51. National Cochlear Implant Users Association
  52. National Community Hearing Association
  53. National Deaf Children’s Society
  54. National Sensory Impairment Partnership
  55. NHS Grampian
  56. Nottinghamshire Deaf Society
  57. Phonak UK
  58. Reablement Team, Social Services, Southampton City Council
  59. Royal Association for Deaf People
  60. Scottish Council on Deafness
  61. Sense
  62. Sign Language Interactions
  63. Sign Solutions
  64. Signature
  65. SignHealth
  66. SignLive
  67. SignVideo
  68. Social Research with Deaf People, University of Manchester
  69. South Wales Cochlear Implant Support Group
  70. StageTEXT
  71. UK Deaf Sport
  72. University of Southampton Auditory Implant Service
  73. Visual Language Professionals
  74. Your Local Cinema .com
  75. Zebra Uno