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July 2024

Statement of common purpose on deafness and hearing loss

This statement is the basis for collective work by organisations concerned with deafness or hearing loss. The organisations listed below are committed to the vision, mission and values. Any organisation concerned with deafness or hearing loss may join us as a signatory. We use ‘deafness’ and ‘hearing loss’ to encompass people who are deaf, Deaf, […]

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Deaf sector pulls together ahead of general election

Organisations concerned with deafness and hearing loss will be working collectively to influence the next government following agreement of a statement of common purpose. Organisations are now from all sectors are now being asked to become founder signatories and promote the statement. A campaign will be launched after the general election to raise awareness of […]

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Response to Minister’s statement about Access to Work

On 12 March the Minister for Disabled People, Mark Harper, made a statement laying out the changes he is making to Access to Work. Our Access to Work special interest group responded in a letter. Whilst we welcome your statement, we are disappointed you will not respond to the Work and Pensions Committee in full […]

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Next Generation Text Service

Deaf Access to Communications (DAC) have issued the following press release: DAC PRESS RELEASE (pdf) PRESS RELEASE: 25 March 2015 NEXT GENERATION TEXT SERVICE Ofcom has fined BT £800,000 for failing to provide an improved text-to-voice service between April and September last year. The service, called ‘Next Generation Text Service’, helps users have more natural conversations […]

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Support for NHS England accessible information standard

NHS England has published a report on the consultation process for its accessible information standard. The report shows wide agreement on the need for the standard and support for its aims and vision. The responses and feedback will inform the final version of the standard, which is due to be published in June 2015. Jim Edwards, […]

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Sector success as action plan on hearing loss published

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the action plan on hearing loss as a great example of collaboration between deaf organisations. The Hearing Loss and Deafness Alliance, chaired by Brian Lamb OBE, was central to developing the plan. Jim Edwards, chair of the UK Council on Deafness said: “This much needed action plan is […]

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Action Plan on Hearing Loss

NHS England publish the Action Plan on Hearing Loss Take a look at the report here Action Plan on Hearing Loss  (pdf) PRESS RELEASE HEALTHCARE LEADERS CALL FOR ACTION ON HEARING LOSS A new ‘Action Plan on Hearing Loss’ to support services for deaf people and those with diminishing hearing has been produced by NHS England […]

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Select committee concerned by government action on Access to Work

The chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, Dame Anne Begg MP, has expressed concern about government action on Access to Work. Dame Anne wrote to the Minister for Disabled People after he told her he wouldn’t be responding formally to their report on Access to Work until after the general election. Dame Anne was also concerned that […]

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Research with text relay users

Ofcom has commissioned Facts International and Opinion Leader to carry out research into users’ experience of text relay. As you know, text relay has been now been available via the NGT app for six months.  (The service remains available via textphones, but to benefit from the enhanced features of NGT you need to use the app.)  Ofcom is carrying out a two-stage research project to find out about […]

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BT fined over text relay

BT have been fined £800K by Ofcom for failing to provide the Next Generation Text Service within their deadline.   Press Release, 17 March 2015 Ofcom has today fined BT £800,000 for failing to provide an improved text-to-voice service for its customers with hearing or speech impairments between April and September last year. The service, called […]

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