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July 2024

New Shielding Letter available in BSL

Updated guidance for those advised to shield due to COVID-19 has been issued. The British Sign Language translation is produced by the Department of Health and Social Care and SignHealth. Please share this video with your network to ensure we reach every British Sign Language (BSL) user who may be shielding at home due to […]

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Coronavirus stories in BSL for children

DCAL have been working hard at creating coronavirus stories in BSL for children in collaboration with Frank Barnes school.  The first story ‘Bunty and Bubbly UK’ can be viewed below. There will be three further stories to come.

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UK Council on Deafness endorses NDCS’s letter to Grant Shapps MP Transport Minister as regards to clear facemasks in Public Transport

UK Council on Deafness supports NDCS’s letter as we believe there is a clear need to ensure that communications around face coverings consider the needs of everyone, including deaf people, and are widely shared. [pdf-embedder url=”” title=”NDCS’s letter”] Information should also be shared around deaf awareness and the beneficial use of transparent facemasks, which allow […]

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SignHealth in England

We are now able to offer remote, online, specialised, Deaf support in Domestic Abuse to all of England. SignHealth can provide online support video relay platforms (WhatsApp, FaceTime etc.) with the client, contact with professionals, support in finding refuge, ensuring that communication access if correct.  We can also work with different professionals and offer advice […]

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Join the first NADP Webinar

Are you new to online platforms? Want to pick tips how to run an online meeting? What about speech to text? Then join our free online workshop where will share practical information for all! “Working and participating remotely when you are deaf or hard of hearing”. Agenda: 1.   Comparison of most popular virtual platforms 2.  […]

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UK Deaf Sport and Coronavirus

As with many organisations and charities, UK Deaf Sport (UKDS) has had to adapt and look at different ways to the organisation’s objectives around supporting and enabling opportunities for deaf people to keep active.  This update aims to share our experiences over Coronavirus lockdown, some 8 weeks at the time of writing. Back in March […]

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Lambeth Council Now in the SignLive Community Directory

British Sign Language Users in Lambeth can now call the council with SignLive. Calls to Lambeth council are completely free of charge to the Deaf Community thanks our recent partnership. To make a call: 1) Login to the SignLive app or visit 2) Click on the Lambeth Council logo and press call. 3) Be connected […]

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Mary Ann Payonk – her story on acquired deafness

As Deaf Awareness Week 2020 comes to an end and as proud sponsors of the campaign being led by United Kingdom Council on deafness UKCOD, we are delighted to have our friend and long-time BIVR advocate Mary Ann Payonk share with us her experience of acquired deafness. Mary Ann is a realtime stenographer from the United […]

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Inspiration during Deaf Awareness Week

“I don’t know where to start with the difference tennis has made to my life!” – GB Deaf Tennis Player Phoebe Suthers This weekend GB deaf tennis star Phoebe Suthers from Yorkshire should have been flying to Slovenia in a bid to try and retain the women’s singles and doubles titles she won at the […]

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Action Deafness

Great to see people using our posters as important part of #DAW2020 ! Thank you so much for sharing! Happy #DeafAwarenessWeek and #VEDayAtHome everyone!!

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