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July 2024

Sector success as action plan on hearing loss published

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the action plan on hearing loss as a great example of collaboration between deaf organisations. The Hearing Loss and Deafness Alliance, chaired by Brian Lamb OBE, was central to developing the plan. Jim Edwards, chair of the UK Council on Deafness said: “This much needed action plan is […]

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Select committee concerned by government action on Access to Work

The chair of the Work and Pensions Committee, Dame Anne Begg MP, has expressed concern about government action on Access to Work. Dame Anne wrote to the Minister for Disabled People after he told her he wouldn’t be responding formally to their report on Access to Work until after the general election. Dame Anne was also concerned that […]

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Ministerial statement about changes to Access to Work

Mr Mark Harper MP, (The Minister for Disable People), has today submitted a written statement on Access to Work to which UK Council on Deafness will be responding. Access to Work :  Written statement – HCWS372 Department for Work and Pensions Made on: 12 March 2015 by Mr Mark Harper MP Statement: Access to Work plays […]

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UK Council on Deafness welcomes Work and Pensions Committee focus on impact of Access to Work changes on deaf people

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the Work and Pensions Committee’s focus on the problems deaf people have faced due to the way Access to Work has been operating. The report of the Committee’s inquiry into the scheme, published this morning, specifically mentions how the application of the ’30 hour rule’ has threatened the […]

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UK Council on Deafness welcomes changes to Access to Work

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the Minister for Disabled People’s announcement of immediate changes to Access to Work. David Buxton, chair of the UK Council on Deafness Access to Work group and chief executive of the British Deaf Association, said: “In particular, we are glad people will soon be able to contact Access […]

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Response to NHS England consultation on draft accessible information standard

We have responded to the NHS England consultation on its draft standard for accessible information. The standard will tell organisations that deliver NHS England services how they should make sure disabled patients, service users and, where appropriate, carers, receive information in formats that they can understand; and appropriate support to help them to communicate, which may […]

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Vision for Access to Work

This statement sets out our vision for the Access to Work scheme. It is the basis for continued discussions with the Minister for Disabled People and the Department for Work and Pensions. Our vision Over one third of deaf (deaf, Deaf, deafblind, deafened or hard of hearing) people are of working age (16-64)[1]. They can […]

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UK Council on Deafness welcomes Minister’s commitment to improve Access to Work

The UK Council on Deafness has today welcomed the Minister for Disabled People’s commitment to improving the Access to Work scheme. In his evidence to the Work and Pensions Committee inquiry into Access to Work, the Minister admitted recent changes to management of the scheme had been handled badly. He said efforts to manage the […]

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Minister for Disabled People announces review of impact of Access to Work on deaf people and suspends ’30 hour rule’

The Minister for Disabled People, Mike Penning MP, has today announced a review of the impact of Access to Work on deaf people. The three month review will take place over the summer and involve key organisations working with and for deaf people. The announcement follows the launch of the Work and Pensions Select Committee’s […]

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All-Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness

The APPG on Deafness Annual General Meeting took place on 1st April 2014. Minutes of the AGM 2014 (pdf) Stephen Lloyd MP was elected as Chair of the group. The vice-chairs are: Rosie Cooper MP Baroness Wilkins Stephen Phillips MP Sir Malcolm Bruce MP Sir Peter Bottomley MP Dr Eilidh Whiteford MP

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