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July 2024

UNCRPD – UK Gov Sessions to be Live Streamed

Over Wednesday the 23rd and Thursday the 24th August, the committee will review the UK Government and create a list of recommendations based on the evidence provided by the British Deaf Association and other key UK Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations. Read More>>

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Press Release: BDA challenge UK Gov at UN

21st August Press Release British Deaf Association take complaints about UK government’s disability rights record to the United Nations The British Deaf Association, with other Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DDPOs) from across the United Kingdom, will today attend the United Nations in Geneva to highlight the government’s ongoing human rights violations and evasive behaviour […]

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Hearing Link and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People merge

News Release: 18 July Hearing Link and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People merge HRH The Princess Royal, Royal Patron of charities Hearing Link and Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, today attended the Hearing Dogs Board Meeting where the Chairman announced its forthcoming harmonious merger with Hearing Link on 1st August 2017. The Princess Royal will […]

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Royal Association for Deaf people nominated for Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year

PRESS RELEASE The Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) has been nominated for Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year. Being Deaf can be extremely isolating; everyday tasks can be a challenge for Deaf people. RAD provides a wide variety of services for Deaf people in their first or preferred language which is usually British Sign […]

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British Gas Launches Free Sign Language Service

For immediate release: 30th March 2017 Energy company teams up with SignVideo to improve access for deaf and hearing impaired customers Service will provide free and instant online sign language interpretation British Gas, the country’s largest energy supplier, is now offering live, online British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation to its customers. Teaming up with SignVideo, […]

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Dawn Butler MP raises question in Sign Language in Parliament

Dawn Butler MP calls for BSL Act Labour MP Dawn Butler has been praised for using sign language to ask a question in the House of Commons about giving it legal status. Ms Butler’s question will help to raise awareness about the lack of accessible information for Deaf people and encourage Parliament to consider the […]

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The outcome of Common Purpose Conference

Press Release – 4 November 2016 Craig Crowley MBE, chief executive of Action Deafness, was appointed chair of the UK Council on Deafness at its AGM on 2 November. Craig succeeds Jim Edwards, who took up the position in 2010. The AGM was part of the Council’s annual conference, which this year celebrated the power […]

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Prudential introduces service for deaf BSL users

Prudential has become the first retirement product provider in the UK to introduce a web-based video relay service (VRS) for customers who use British Sign Language (BSL). A BSL version of this news release is available. Read More>>

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Video Relay Service

Today, Santander Consumer Finance (SCF), in partnership with SignVideo, has launched a Video Relay Service (VRS), for the British Sign Language (BSL) community. The service is available for all account servicing, supporting customers with many of their day to day account queries and transactions. The service enables deaf BSL-using customers to place video calls to […]

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New study casts light on synaesthesia among signed language users

Many synaesthetes experience colours when viewing letters or digits but a new research study involving academics from UCL, has for the first time, documented a similar phenomenon among users of signed languages. Synaesthesia is a phenomenon in which perceptual experiences, such as colours, tastes, or smells are elicited by stimuli that are not usually associated with […]

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