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July 2024


London Exposition Monday 31 July 2017 Venue: The Law Society, 113 Chancery Lane, London, WC2A 1PL ( Will you be there? The 2017 BIVR AWARENESS WEEKEND PROGRAMME IS AVAILABLE TO DOWNLOAD: baw-2017-programme See our FaceBook post    Stairway to BIVR BAW 2017 Who will join us on the red carpet up to BIVR BAW 2017 […]

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UKCoD Conference Update

UKCoD will be holding its annual conference on 16 November at BT Tower, London. The theme this year will be an update on accessibility in Telecommunications and Broadcasting. The three main sections of the conference will cover Telephone Relay service; Video on Demand; and Live Broadcasting including developments in Subtitling and Clear Speech. There will be […]

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Royal Association for Deaf people nominated for Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year

PRESS RELEASE The Royal Association for Deaf people (RAD) has been nominated for Sainsbury’s Local Charity of the Year. Being Deaf can be extremely isolating; everyday tasks can be a challenge for Deaf people. RAD provides a wide variety of services for Deaf people in their first or preferred language which is usually British Sign […]

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Transport for London

Transport for London (TfL) have aunched a new badge and card to help our customers who are less able to stand get a seat when they need one. The free badge and card are now available through their website, at There are no qualifying criteria; applicants do not need to provide a GP’s note or […]

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Cochlear implants discussed in Westminster

An adjournment debate on the provision of Cochlear Implants was held on 24th March when Jim Fitzpatrick, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness at Westminster, spoke about the low take up of cochlear implants by adults compared with other countries. Brian Lamb, the Chair of the Action Group on Adult Cochlear Implantation […]

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British Gas Launches Free Sign Language Service

For immediate release: 30th March 2017 Energy company teams up with SignVideo to improve access for deaf and hearing impaired customers Service will provide free and instant online sign language interpretation British Gas, the country’s largest energy supplier, is now offering live, online British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation to its customers. Teaming up with SignVideo, […]

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Dawn Butler MP raises question in Sign Language in Parliament

Dawn Butler MP calls for BSL Act Labour MP Dawn Butler has been praised for using sign language to ask a question in the House of Commons about giving it legal status. Ms Butler’s question will help to raise awareness about the lack of accessible information for Deaf people and encourage Parliament to consider the […]

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World Hearing Day

3 March 2017: World Hearing Day Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment The theme for World Hearing Day 2017 “Action for hearing loss: make a sound investment” draws attention to the economic impact of hearing loss. The day aims to raise awareness about public health strategies to reduce the prevalence and impact of […]

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Work, health and disability: consultation

A gentle reminder that the above consultation closes this Friday, 17th February 2017, details of which are below as circulated by the DWP:- [As you may be aware DWP & DH currently have an open consultation on Work, Health & Disability.  Many of you have a longstanding interest in Access to Work, and whilst AtW is not […]

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Positive Meeting with Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP, DCMS

The Chair of UKCoD, Craig Crowley together with his advisor, Jim Edwards today met with the Rt Hon Matt Hancock MP for a positive meeting on VRS provision in the UK. Purpose: To ask the Minister to support a government wide approach to purchasing VRS and to support a further review by Ofcom of the […]

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