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July 2024

Consultation – BSL access 999 emergency

The regulator, Ofcom, have published a consultation setting out the case for the 999 emergency service phone line to be contactable in BSL. Ofcom want feedback on the need for BSL access to 999; and to understand how the deaf community wants the service to work Three BSL videos are available on the Ofcom Website […]

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GDPR Update

Christopher Jones, Chair of DAC and Craig Crowley, Chair UKCoD wrote a letter to Daniel Bowling, ICO in order to seek clarification and guidance on an issue that is of concern to deaf people, the use of relay operators in telephone calls and other transactions and the implications of this under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). A […]

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30 June Parliamentary debate on deafness and hearing loss

The APPG on Deafness, chaired by Jim Fitzpatrick MP, has secured a 90 minute debate on deafness and hearing loss in Westminster Hall at 3pm on Thursday 30 June. Please tell the MPs you know about the debate, and encourage them to attend and speak. This is a great opportunity for us to make sure the government […]

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NDCS launch new campaign report, Right from the Start

The report celebrates 10 years of newborn hearing screening in England and calls on the Government, local authorities and health bodies to work together and make a commitment to ensure high quality support is in place as soon as a child is diagnosed as deaf. It makes five broad recommendations: Action is taken to protect and […]

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DWP piloting online access to Access to Work

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) is looking for new deaf and deafblind applicants to help it pilot its online application system for Access to Work DWP believes deaf and deafblind people will particularly benefit from the new online service. They will appreciate UK Council on Deafness members advising new deaf applicants to email ATW.DIGITALFIRSTCONTACT@DWP.GSI.GOV.UK saying they want to […]

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Campaign – Subtitles for Video on Demand

Last year we held a conference together with Sense and Action on Hearing Loss.  A big topic of discussion at the event was the political landscape and the Government’s pledge to consider legislation on subtitles for Video on Demand content in 2016 “if it is clear that progress isn’t being made”. Consensus emerged at the […]

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Help protect your local hearing loss services – Take Action Today!

Action on Hearing Loss have launched their new research report: Under Pressure: NHS audiology across the UK Based on the findings from a survey of 140 NHS adult audiology providers, the research shows that NHS audiology services across the UK are under significant pressure, with two in every five (41%) offering patients a reduced service […]

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UK Council on Deafness welcomes changes to Access to Work

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the Minister for Disabled People’s announcement of immediate changes to Access to Work. David Buxton, chair of the UK Council on Deafness Access to Work group and chief executive of the British Deaf Association, said: “In particular, we are glad people will soon be able to contact Access […]

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Stop the cuts to NHS hearing aid services

Action on Hearing Loss are taking action in response to the proposed decommissioning by North Staffordshire CCG of hearing aid provision for people with mild or moderate age-related hearing loss, which many of you will have heard about. How can you help? There are three ways you can get involved right now to help us […]

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Access to Work

UK Council on Deafness and the British Deaf Association (BDA) held a seminar on the Department for Work and Pensions’ Access to Work scheme on Tuesday 14 January in London and were joined by National Association of Deafened People (NADP) who provided supplemented information for the Report. The seminar on Access to Work covered the following areas: Campaign […]

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