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July 2024

Meeting with Sarah Newton MP

Minister of State for Disabled People, Work and Health – Cap on Access to Work Awards The UK Council on Deafness and the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Deafness have held a positive meeting with the Minister for Disabled People, Sarah Newton MP, to discuss the cap on Access to Work awards.  The Minister […]

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URGENT – Send your view on TEXT or BSL Relays to your MP now!

With the debate at Westminster Hall this coming Thursday, 30th November, UKCoD have created the following suggested Email Templates for TEXT or BSL Relay users to send to your MP via email –  click on the template links below. Mandatory Video Relay Service (VRS) Template You would like a mandatory VRS to be introduced You have […]

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UKCoD AGM 2017 – Trustees

The UK Council on Deafness AGM took place during the annual conference held at BT Tower on 16th November.  Craig Crowley, Chair of the Council was delighted to announce that the following trustees had been successfully elected and welcomed them to the board. James Watson O’Neil, SignHealth David Welbourn, BSHAA Jill Jones, Deaf Ex-Mainstreamers Sheila […]

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Meeting with Sarah Newton, Minister for Disability

UKCoD and the APPG on Deafness will be meeting with Sarah Newton 29th January 2018 The APPG and UKCoD are meeting with Sarah Newton, the new Minister for Disability, on 29th January 2018 to discuss the cap to ATW awards. Jim Fitzpatrick (APPG Chair), Craig Crowley (UKCoD Chair, affected by the cap April ’18), Toby […]

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Debate at Westminster Hall, 30 November 2017

Urgent Update Briefin#g for MPs [pdf] As many of you will be aware; the Chair of the APPG, Jim Fitzpatrick MP, has secured a three hour debate on deafness and hearing loss which will take place in Westminster Hall between 1:30-4:30 on Thursday 30th November.  This is a general debate and MPs will be free to […]

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Conference Summary

Craig Crowley, Chair UK Council on Deafness was delighted with the success of our recent conference, hosted by BT at BT Tower, London and summarised the outcomes of the day. Jim Fitzpatrick/APPG We will continue to support Jim, Lilian and the APPG. Encourage your members and beenficiaries to contact their MP and tell them to […]

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Enhancing Deaf Access

– Telecommunication and Broadcasting Conference Update   Tomorrow we will be at our Annual Conference hosted by BT, where we will give an update on accessibility in Telecommunications and Broadcasting covering Telephone Relay service, Video on Demand and Live Broadcasting including developments in Subtitling and Clear Speech. Jim Fitzpatrick MP, Chair of the APPG on […]

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The Truth Project

I recently visited The Truth Project, which has been set up as part of the IICSA (Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse). The goal is “for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experience in a supportive and confidential setting”. The Truth Project is working hard to reach out to victims and […]

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2017 UKCoD Trustee Election

The UK Council on Deafness invites you to nominate yourself or a senior representative from your organisation for a position on its Board. This year we have four vacancies.  Long standing trustees, Bencie Woll and Michael Quinlan are standing down after serving two terms and Gary Cottrell, who stood down last December.  Jason Barnett has […]

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Action on Hearing Loss GP Survey

Do you find it difficult to book GP appointments? Do you need a BSL interpreter to get all the information you need about your health and care? If so, Action on Hearing Loss want to hear from you!   Over the past three years, NHS guidance and quality standards have been introduced across the UK […]

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