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July 2024

Parliamentary Report – April

Please see below April Parliamentary Reports: 27 April 2012 20 April 2012

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Relay Services – Open Letter Update

Firstly to say, thank you to everyone for signing the letter and all the support since its publication. The letter has produced a lot of interest in the media, see the news report provided. We are grateful for the responses so far, all these show there is a commitment to finding a solution to ensure […]

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Lord Ashley of Stoke

It is with great sadness that UKCoD reports the recent death of Lord Jack Ashley. Lord Ashley was a great champion of causes relating to Deafness and hearing loss and played an active and leading role in advancing Deaf equality and the recognition of BSL and in December 2003 Lord Ashley was given a lifetime achievement […]

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Frustration on Telephone Relay Campaign…

UKCoD & TAG write to Ed Vaizey to express frustration

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Parliamentary Reports – March

Please see below the March Parliamentary Reports: 23rd March 2012 16 March 2012 9 March 2012 2 March 2012

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Conference – The Latest Hearing Technologies

UKCoD and The Ear Foundation jointly ran a successful conference in London yesterday, and the wide range of speakers covered all aspects of the latest hearing technologies. The first contributor was Dr Sue Archbold, Chief Executive of The Ear Foundation.  Sue was the teacher of the deaf of the first child in the UK to […]

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UKCoD's contribution to Fulfilling Potential

On 1 December 2011, the government announced a discussion with disabled  people to gather suggestions for a new cross-government disability strategy. This discussion has now ended and a range of good responses has been received.  The Government’s response to the discussion will be available at the end of March and the Disability Strategy itself will be published […]

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Disability Employment Support: Fulfilling Potential

This is to let you know that the Government has published a command paper, Disability Employment Support:Fulfilling Potential, which sets out its strategy for specialist disability employment programmes and includes a summary of the responses to the public consultation on the Sayce review. The Written Ministerial Statement

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Relay Services for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Encourage your MP to sign the RELAY SERVICES FOR THE DEAF AND HARD OF HEARING – EDM – details can be found here – Primary sponsor Malcolm Bruce MP

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Parliamentary Report

Click on link to view the Parliamentary Report week ending:- 24 February 2012 17 February 2012 10 February 2012 27 January 2012 20 January 2012

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