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September 2024

The Health Reforms Conference

Last places available…. Our joint conference with The Alliance on Hearing Loss and Deafness on The Health Reforms – their impact on Services for People with Hearing Loss and Deafness will be held on Thursday, 17th January 2013 at the NUT Building, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London. Speakers include:-

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VRS – Ofcom Report

Ofcom have published their research into how video relay services are provided internationally.  As UKCoD’s Deaf Access to Communication group is working to identify a model that will see greater provision in the UK, the research will be valuable in pointing the way for some of the policy and infrastructure challenges we face.  Lessons from […]

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Access to Work

UKCoD write to the Minister for Disabled People, Esther McVey MP re concerns raised by Liz Sayce about declining Access to Work take up.  On 19 November an announcement was made on a number of measures aimed at making Access to Work more responsive and easier to use.  In addition to this, recommendations were made […]

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Inquiry into the Work Programme

UKCoD have recently sent their report to The Work and Pensions Committee on users experience of the Work Programme and are continuing to gather data on this. Download the letter to the Work and Pensions Committe and submission here: Letter – 7 December 2012 Report – 7 December 2012

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Conference News – 17 January 2013

‘The Health Reforms – their Impact on Services for People with Hearing Loss and Deafness’ Date: Thursday, 17th January 2013 Venue: National Union of Teachers, Hamilton House, Mabledon Place, London WC1H 9BD Our speakers include: Sir Malcolm Bruce, Chair of All-Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness (Invited) Sue Hill, Chief Scientific Officer, Department of Health Professor […]

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Deaf Access to Communication appoints Chair

In October the Deaf Access to Communication special interest group was established by UKCoD to carry forward work related to relay services and the Communications Act review.  The group sought to appoint a chair who would help it forward in these two areas of challenge.  Sandra Verkuyten OBE, previously chief executive of the Hearing […]

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Work Programme – the experience of different user groups Survey

Last year the Government created a new scheme to help unemployed people back to work and it’s called the ‘Work Programme’ and it will run for another 4 years. The Work and Pensions Committee is now launching an inquiry into how well the Work Programme is working for different user groups and this is our […]

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Ageing and Deafness Conference

Our conference on ‘Ageing and Deafness’ held in London on 16th October was a great success with speakers. Our conference on ‘Adult Hearing Loss- time for a new approach’ in Westminster yesterday (15th October) gathered leaders from audiology, from industry, from the Third Sector and politicians, all joined in a passion to move forward with […]

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Deaf Health Social Care Champions – Project Manager

UKCoD in partnership with SignHealth, Manchester Deaf Centre, DeafVision, Merseyside Society for Deaf People have secured funding for a Deaf Health Champions Project in the North West. Please see Job advert and Job description for a Project Manager who will be employed by UKCoD.  Closing date for applications 19th November 2012. Interviews will be held […]

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The next generation of relay services

Ofcom have published a statement about the next generation of relay services. The statement is a welcome step in the right direction and an important moment in ensuring a significant change in provision for deaf people. But there is still a long way to go before deaf people have access to 21st century telecommunication services.

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