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September 2024

Remploy Stakeholder Bulletin

Please see below recent statement by Maria Miller MP, on the progress that the Remploy Board has made….

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Review of Relay Services

Further to the Ofcom Review of Relay Services: Further Consultation, UKCoD and TAG welcomed the opportunity to respond.  UKCoD/TAG submission to the consultation

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HMRC Disability Roadmap

At the last disabled customer consultation group meeting it was explained that HMRC want to re-launch the disability road map.  The roadmap sets out key objectives both for HMRC team and the wider HMRC, and that they want to keep the roadmap fresh and relevant so that it can drive forward improvements in HMRCs customer services for […]

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Access to Work

Young disabled jobseekers on work experience will be able to access extra support to help them into mainstream placements for the first time. They will be given access to the Government’s successful Access to Work scheme, which provides more than £100m to help disabled people into mainstream work by providing specially adapted equipment, support workers […]

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Parliamentary Reports – June

Please see below June Parliamentary Reports: 29 June 2012 22 June 2012 15 June 2012

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Parliamentary Reports

Please see below May Parliamentary Reports: 25 May 2012 18 May 2012 4 May 2012  

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Urgent action needed to improve subtitling – can you spread the word?

Urgent action needed to improve subtitling Thousands of people who are deaf or hard of hearing rely on subtitles to watch live TV and other broadcast platforms, including through catch-up and on demand services. If you rely on subtitles, now is your chance to influence the Government’s future policy on the issue by writing to […]

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Deaf with Dementia

New DCAL Briefing Sheet available on dementia: Deaf people in the British Sign Language (BSL) community have had a long struggle to access dementia diagnosis and support, with serious implications for quality of life and treatment. Now, for the first time,

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Communications Review Update

UKCoD write to Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), welcoming recent commitment to explore the improvement of broadcast access services for people with sensory loss in the Communications Green Paper. Letter to Ed Vaisey MP

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New Disability Strategy

A joint APPGs meeting on the new Disability Strategy was held on 12th June. The final document on Disability Strategy will be published in the New Year. Minutes of the Meeting, 12 June 2012 – Disasbility Strategy

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