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September 2024

Jeremy Moore calls for contributions from deaf and disabled people…..

Speaking at the UK Council on Deafness conference, ODI Director Jeremy Moore called for contributions from deaf and disabled people from all walks of life to shape the new cross-Government Disability Strategy.  To read ODI Director Jeremy Moore’s speech at the UK Council on Deafness conference visit Click to view the Fulfilling Potential discussion document […]

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Work Together / Support Each Other

UKCoD wishes all its Members a Happy New Year! It will be a challenging year, for public services, for deaf organisations and for UKCoD – to enable us all to get through this period, we can do so by working together and supporting each other. Please check our website for our latest news or follow […]

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Relay Services

Improvements to relay services are still very much on our agenda, the Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries, Ed Vaisey MP, has written to UKCoD with continued support – see here for further details Letter to UKCoD

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2011 & Beyond – The Way Ahead: UKCoD Conference

Our latest conference; 2011 & Beyond – The Way Ahead New Challenges – New Solutions – New Opportunities, explored Deaf Oorganisational development in a changing environment. It was held on Tuesday, 13 December 2011 at BT Centre in London. Our exhibitors were Action on Hearing Loss, Significan’t, BT, Advanced Bionics, SignHealth and STAGETEXT. We had a fantastic programme packed […]

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Jim Edwards, CEO of Signature and Chair of UKCoD

It has been fabulous to work with members and the team over the last six months to bring together the new website and improved ways of communicating with members and the wider public. Critically this project was initiated to ensure we make use all the tools we can to get messages out. We confident that […]

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Stephen Lloyd MP for Eastbourne, a Patron of UKCoD

The UK Council on Deafness provides a vital link between the deaf sector and Parliament. Their work coordinating the All Parliamentary Group on Deafness, talking with MPs and Lords and providing important policy briefings is so important for keeping Parliament well informed about the issues facing deaf people.

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