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July 2024

Technology and the Workplace

UKCoD Conference This year’s conference was themed ‘Technology and the Workplace – fact vs fiction’ and was very kindly hosted by BT at their iconic building, BT Tower for which we are extremely grateful.   The conference was well supported with our thanks to sponsors InterpreterNow, SignLive and RedBee Media together with exhibitors ATLA, SignVideo, […]

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A Message from UK Council on Deafness Chair, Craig Crowley

For a number of years the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) has been seeking to reduce the expenditure of its Access to Work Programme in order to safeguard public resources. In 2015 the DWP set a budget cap of £43,100 (1.5 times average earnings) for an individual Deaf person using Sign Language Interpreters, which […]

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Press Release

We are pleased to see that the Department of Work and Pensions has decided to significantly raise the Access to Work cap. This will help deaf people whose first language is British Sign Language (BSL) to access the communication support so vital to enabling them to thrive and succeed in the workplace. The increase in […]

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House of Commons – Petition Debate

House of Commons first: live simultaneous BSL interpretation for petition debate On Monday 5 March there will be a petition debate on making BSL part of the National Curriculum. The debate will be in Westminster Hall at 4.30pm. For the first time, live in-picture interpretation for people watching live online will be available and a subtitled version […]

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Meeting with Sarah Newton MP

Minister of State for Disabled People, Work and Health – Cap on Access to Work Awards The UK Council on Deafness and the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Deafness have held a positive meeting with the Minister for Disabled People, Sarah Newton MP, to discuss the cap on Access to Work awards.  The Minister […]

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URGENT – Send your view on TEXT or BSL Relays to your MP now!

With the debate at Westminster Hall this coming Thursday, 30th November, UKCoD have created the following suggested Email Templates for TEXT or BSL Relay users to send to your MP via email –  click on the template links below. Mandatory Video Relay Service (VRS) Template You would like a mandatory VRS to be introduced You have […]

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Meeting with Sarah Newton, Minister for Disability

UKCoD and the APPG on Deafness will be meeting with Sarah Newton 29th January 2018 The APPG and UKCoD are meeting with Sarah Newton, the new Minister for Disability, on 29th January 2018 to discuss the cap to ATW awards. Jim Fitzpatrick (APPG Chair), Craig Crowley (UKCoD Chair, affected by the cap April ’18), Toby […]

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UKCoD Conference Update

UKCoD will be holding its annual conference on 16 November at BT Tower, London. The theme this year will be an update on accessibility in Telecommunications and Broadcasting. The three main sections of the conference will cover Telephone Relay service; Video on Demand; and Live Broadcasting including developments in Subtitling and Clear Speech. There will be […]

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Cochlear implants discussed in Westminster

An adjournment debate on the provision of Cochlear Implants was held on 24th March when Jim Fitzpatrick, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Deafness at Westminster, spoke about the low take up of cochlear implants by adults compared with other countries. Brian Lamb, the Chair of the Action Group on Adult Cochlear Implantation […]

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Sir Malcolm's Bill

Sir Malcolm Bruce is the Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Deafness and yesterday submitted a Bill to Parliament to secure the communication rights of deaf and hard of hearing people.  It is set to be debated in Parliament in October Short title Communication Support (Deafness) Bill2:50 pm All Commons debates on 19 […]

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