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July 2024

Calling on hearing screening to be introduced at 65

PRESS RELEASE Over 10m people in the UK have a hearing loss–this isolates, leads to other conditions and reduces access to care. A new website is being launched soon but the report is available online at this address

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VRS – Ofcom Report

Ofcom have published their research into how video relay services are provided internationally.  As UKCoD’s Deaf Access to Communication group is working to identify a model that will see greater provision in the UK, the research will be valuable in pointing the way for some of the policy and infrastructure challenges we face.  Lessons from […]

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Communications Review

The United Kingdom Council on Deafness and TAG give joint response to the issues raised in the recent DCMS seminar paper on the Communications Review Joint Response

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Communications Review

Jim Edwards, Chair of UK Council on Deafness wrote to Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries in June, welcoming recent commitment to explore the improvement of broadcast access services for people with sensory loss in the Communications Green Paper. A reply has been received

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VRS Today! is closing but campaign for relay services continues

Many of you will know we, TAG and many other organisations have been working actively for some time to ensure there are effective relay services for deaf people in the UK. One of our campaign partners was Sorenson

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Review of Relay Services

Further to the Ofcom Review of Relay Services: Further Consultation, UKCoD and TAG welcomed the opportunity to respond.  UKCoD/TAG submission to the consultation

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Communications Review Update

UKCoD write to Ed Vaizey MP, Minister for Culture, Communications and Creative Industries Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), welcoming recent commitment to explore the improvement of broadcast access services for people with sensory loss in the Communications Green Paper. Letter to Ed Vaisey MP

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Relay Services

UKCoD writes to BT, MGB and UKCTA in response to their reply to signatories to the open letter published in the Times.  The letter reads…

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Relay Services – Ofcom response

Ofcom have today published Review of Relay Services: Further Consultation. The Closing date for responses is 13 July 2012.

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Relay Services

Following the open letter in the Times, representatives from the sector are being copied into a reply from BT, UK Competitive Telecommunications Association and the Mobile Broadband Group, with it they included a letter sent to the Minister last November, initial reactions range from disbelief in the telecoms companies misunderstanding of deaf peoples needs to […]

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