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July 2024

Tell the NHS your views on plans to make information accessible

NHS England wants to know what you think about its plans to make health and social care information accessible. A consultation document [PDF] and survey are now available online. Patients, service users and carers, health and care professionals and organisations, voluntary organisations, patient groups and communication professionals are encouraged to give their views. We will […]

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UKCoD Trustee Election 2014

At this year’s Annual General Meeting, three Trustees will have completed their first term of three years.  Caroline Player is standing down, but Michael Quinlan (Action on Hearing Loss) and Bencie Woll (DCAL) have indicated that they are happy to put their names forward for a further term of three years.  Brian Archbold (formerly of […]

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Minister pledges to promote Deaf-Aware Care

Norman Lamb, Minister for Care and Support, has pledged to support and promote a new Deaf-Aware Care quality mark for residential care homes launched by RAD and [sonus]. At a packed meeting at the House of Commons yesterday, Mr Lamb said, “I give you a complete assurance that I will do anything I can to […]

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Access to TV and the Web

Ofcom is reviewing of the quality of subtitling provision in the UK, and have asked Action on Hearing Loss to gather the experiences of people who rely on subtitles for watching television. They have recently launched a major survey, open until 31 August. See here for further details.

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Parliamentary Reports

Please see below May Parliamentary Reports: 25 May 2012 18 May 2012 4 May 2012  

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Deaf with Dementia

New DCAL Briefing Sheet available on dementia: Deaf people in the British Sign Language (BSL) community have had a long struggle to access dementia diagnosis and support, with serious implications for quality of life and treatment. Now, for the first time,

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European News

  Many of you will hear good and bad things about European Union, especially with economic crisis in Greece and Eurozone problems. In the UK

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Lord Ashley of Stoke

It is with great sadness that UKCoD reports the recent death of Lord Jack Ashley. Lord Ashley was a great champion of causes relating to Deafness and hearing loss and played an active and leading role in advancing Deaf equality and the recognition of BSL and in December 2003 Lord Ashley was given a lifetime achievement […]

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Adult Hearing Services AQP Info Day……

If you are a Member of UK Council on Deafness and would like to attend the Adult Hearing Services AQP Information Day, please email Clare Long at to register your interest.  Places will be on a first come first serve basis and are limited!  NB – The session is about adult audiology services and will not […]

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Stephen Lloyd MP for Eastbourne, a Patron of UKCoD

The UK Council on Deafness provides a vital link between the deaf sector and Parliament. Their work coordinating the All Parliamentary Group on Deafness, talking with MPs and Lords and providing important policy briefings is so important for keeping Parliament well informed about the issues facing deaf people.

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