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December 2014

UK Council on Deafness welcomes Work and Pensions Committee focus on impact of Access to Work changes on deaf people

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the Work and Pensions Committee’s focus on the problems deaf people have faced due to the way Access to Work has been operating. The report of the Committee’s inquiry into the scheme, published this morning, specifically mentions how the application of the ’30 hour rule’ has threatened the […]

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A vision, mission and values for the deaf sector

A vision, mission and values for the deaf sector have been defined as part of UK Council on Deafness work to find a common purpose for the sector. They are the first parts of a statement that will be the basis for collective work by organisations concerned with deafness. The next step is to decide […]

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UK Council on Deafness welcomes changes to Access to Work

The UK Council on Deafness has welcomed the Minister for Disabled People’s announcement of immediate changes to Access to Work. David Buxton, chair of the UK Council on Deafness Access to Work group and chief executive of the British Deaf Association, said: “In particular, we are glad people will soon be able to contact Access […]

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Our Latest News

Our recent news bulletin is now available – click here for details!

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UKCoD AGM 2014

  At our Future of Subtitling Conference held in November,  we held our AGM. We were delighted to welcome our two new members of the Board – Gary Cottrell of SignHealth and Jason Barnett of deafPLUS. During the AGM it gave us the opportunity to express our thanks to retiring trustees:- Brian Archbold, who as Treasurer gave […]

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Work and Pensions Committee announces publication of report, Improving Access to Work for disabled people

The Work and Pensions Committee will publish its report, Improving Access to Work for disabled people, at 00.01 am on Friday 19 December. It will be available under embargo to the media and witnesses only on the morning of Thursday 18 December. Alternate formats The Report’s Summary will be published in Easy Read and as […]

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NUBSLI agrees minimum fees for interpreters

Members of the National Union of British Sign Language Interpreters (NUBSLI) have set out what they think should be minimum fees for BSL/English interpreters. The rates include a minimum call out fee of £90 in most parts of the country, time and a half at evenings and weekends, a 100 per cent charge if a […]

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EE signs up with Sign Solutions

The UK’s largest mobile operator and internet service provider, EE, has teamed up with sign language interpreting agency, Sign Solutions, to improve access and user experience for its Deaf customers. The Sign Solutions InterpretersLive! service will mean that Deaf customers can now communicate more easily with EE when making calls to the company’s customer service […]

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The Future of Subtitling Conference, 10 November 2014

Our first-ever subtitling conference was held on 10 November 2014 in partnership with Action on Hearing Loss and Sense, with almost 200 people taking part and we now have our full report available. The report includes information about: interesting developments in Video on Demand, with ATVOD expecting progress in the next 12-18 months research into […]

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One step closer to a common purpose for the deaf sector

The UK Council on Deafness is one step closer to defining a common purpose for the deaf sector following a stakeholder seminar on 1 December. Representatives from businesses, local authorities, communication and language professional associations, charities and health services met to refine the draft statement of common purpose. They also considered what the priorities for […]

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