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July 2024

The O2 Partners With SignVideo

The O2 Partners With SignVideo To Enhance The Booking Experience For Deaf Fans Click picture below to view the news in British Sign Language. Unique partnership is the first of its kind for a UK music venue 1st August 2016 – The O2 has announced a deal with SignVideo that will bring huge benefits to deaf […]

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Hearing Link launches survey to help shape digital services

News Release: Wednesday 20th July 2016 Immediate release  The UK-wide charity Hearing Link has launched a new online survey to help it understand how to shape its future digital services. In April this year, the organisation unveiled a refreshed website at which is mobile responsive giving users access at home or while on the […]

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Anglian Water provide access for Deaf customers

Anglian Water, has teamed up with sign language interpreting agency, Sign Solutions, to improve access for their Deaf customers. The introduction of Sign Solutions’ InterpretersLive! video relay service, now allows Deaf customers to communicate with Anglian Water billing and Operational teams using British Sign Language (BSL). By following a link on the Anglian Water website, Deaf […]

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CEO Appointment at The Ear Foundation

PRESS RELEASE: The Ear Foundation has announced the appointment of a new Chief Executive, Melanie Gregory,  who will take up post on 1 August 2016, working with the current Chief Executive, Sue Archbold, until she retires in October. Sue Archbold, who  was the first employee at The Ear Foundation when it was founded in 1990, says: […]

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World Hearing Day, 3rd March

Teeth checked! Eyes Checked. What about your hearing?   Professional hearing care makes you both healthier and smarter. Maybe it’s time to get your hearing checked.  Get a free hearing test on March 3 .  On WHO World Hearing Day, March 3, you can in many European countries get a free hearing test by visiting […]

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DWP trials access by telephone for sign language users

People who use British Sign Language (BSL) can now contact the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) via telephone. DWP has begun a six month pilot of a service that allows people whose first or only language is BSL to contact DWP about Attendance Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (65+), Disability Living Allowance (under 65) and […]

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Help for deaf people in BSL with completing tax returns

Deaf self-employed people can get free advice in British Sign Language with completing their tax return, thanks to a new service from RAD and HMRC Royal Association for Deaf people and HMRC’s innovative new service makes tax information and advice more accessible to Deaf people. The January 31st deadline for submitting online Self Assessment forms […]

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Cross sector support for statement of common purpose

Almost 60 organisations are already supporting the statement of common purpose on deafness and hearing loss. The list already represents the breadth of the sector. It includes organisations that work with or represent people of all ages who are Deaf, deaf, deafened, deafblind or have a hearing loss; the myriad of responses to deafness and […]

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RAD partner with UK Power Networks

PRESS RELEASE 28 April 2014 UK Power Networks partner with RAD to make vital information accessible to Deaf people UK Power Networks (UKPN), the power company for London, The South East and East of England, has launched a partnership with the Royal Association for Deaf people, (RAD),  to make important information accessible. One of the […]

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Sign Solutions bring InterpretersLive! to the Isle of Man

PRESS RELEASE:- We bring InterpretersLive! to the Isle of Man We’re pleased to announce that we have won a contract to provide our services to the Isle of Man Government. The win will see us provide our video relay service to the Isle of Man’s Department of Health and Social Care, with the possibility of […]

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